Aging Test

Aging Test

PCBA aging test is a process of conducting long-term stable operation tests on electronic products by simulating various environmental conditions that may occur during actual use. This process can expose potential defects that may exist in the production process of the product, and repair it before leaving the factory to ensure the quality and reliability of the product.

We can provide aging testing for customer products to test their stability and reliability in specific environments. According to customer design requirements, place the product under specific temperature and humidity conditions, continuously simulate working for 72 hours to 7 days (occasionally conduct continuous on/off impact tests), record performance data, and reverse engineer the production process for improvement. Aging testing usually refers to electrical performance testing, similar tests include drop testing, vibration testing, salt spray testing, etc. Some tests that cannot be completed within the factory can be entrusted to China Electronics Laboratory (cooperative organization) for third-party testing.

The methods and processes of aging testing

Our team has extensive experience in aging testing

Medical blood glucose testing equipment PCBA motherboard undergoes up to 500 simulated tests, with an aging temperature of room temperature and a duration of approximately 48 hours

Aging of transportation intelligent high-definition camera motherboard: temperature 60 degrees Celsius, humidity 70%, lasting for 72 hours

Solar energy storage device controller room temperature aging: continuous charging and discharging for 3 cycles, aging time of 24 hours

Room temperature aging of pigsty environmental controller: continuous control and network communication, aging time of 24 hours

The purpose of PCBA aging test

Screening for early failure products: Through aging testing, early failure products caused by various reasons during the production process can be screened to prevent these products from entering the market.

Improving product reliability: Through aging testing, potential issues in product design, materials, and processes can be identified and repaired, thereby improving product reliability.

Evaluate product lifespan: Through aging testing, it is possible to simulate the actual lifespan of the product in use, providing a reference for the warranty period and service life of the product.

The method of PCBA aging test

Room temperature aging test: Conduct long-term stable operation test on electronic products in a room temperature environment. This method mainly tests the performance of the product under normal usage conditions.

High temperature aging test: Conduct operational testing on electronic products in a high-temperature environment. This method can accelerate the aging process of the product and expose potential defects more quickly.

Low temperature aging test: Conduct operational testing on electronic products in a low-temperature environment. This method mainly tests the performance of the product under extreme temperature conditions.

Alternating temperature and humidity aging test: Conduct operational testing on electronic products in alternating temperature and humidity environments. This method can simulate the usage of products in complex environments and comprehensively evaluate the reliability of products.

The process of PCBA aging test

Set testing conditions: Based on the characteristics and usage scenarios of the product, set appropriate testing conditions, including temperature, humidity, voltage, etc.

Prepare test samples: Select a certain number of electronic products as test samples to ensure their representativeness and sufficient quantity.

Conduct aging test: Place the test sample under the set environmental conditions for long-term stable operation testing. During this process, it is necessary to closely monitor the operational status and performance of the sample.

Analyze test results: After the test is completed, analyze and process the test data to evaluate the reliability and performance of the product. If potential defects or performance degradation are found in the product, corresponding repairs and optimizations need to be carried out.

Feedback and improvement: Provide test results to relevant departments and personnel for timely implementation of measures for improvement and optimization. At the same time, summarize and share the experience and lessons learned from aging testing, providing reference basis for subsequent product development and production.