PCBA rapid prototyping charges are how to calculate?

PCBA fast proofing charges are also a formula, you can be based on this formula to understand the PCBA fast proofing of a standard charge.

The formula is: (A + B + C + D + E + F) * G * H + J + K = PCBA fast proofing price.

Where: A = PCB cost, B = material costs, C = processing costs, D = three-proof paint costs, E = test costs, F = packaging logistics, G = the number of goods sampling, H = a reasonable profit, J = PCB engineering fees, SMT = engineering fees.

The above formula is a reference, according to the actual needs of the product to adjust the charges, such as some products do not need to spray three-proof paint, then we can not count the cost of three-proof paint spraying, there are more sampling quantities or more chatting with the customer, then we can properly reduce the engineering fee.

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