What does DFM mean? What is the significance of PCBA DFM?

DFM refers to Design for Manufacturability, which optimizes design to make product manufacturing or assembly easier, while reducing costs and improving quality and efficiency.

The significance of PCBA DFM

According to IPC statistics:

More than 60% of products are caused by early design concepts;

More than 75% of manufacturing costs are determined by design drawings and specifications;

More than 80% of product defects are caused by design stage issues.

The hazards of poor design in production:

Causing a large number of welding or assembly defects

Increase repair workload and process flow

Increasing manufacturing costs and repairing may damage components

Impact on product reliability after repair

Increase process difficulty and reduce production efficiency

Unable to produce and ship in a timely manner, losing market competition opportunities.

PCBA DFM can make the design more suitable for production requirements, while also requiring customers to fully consider the production situation during the design process, so that the designed products can be produced and have more choices in production, which can effectively reduce costs.

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