Which PCBA virtual soldering detection machines can detect virtual soldering?

PCBA virtual soldering refers to the situation where the tin layer is not fully plated, making it difficult to see on the surface, and it is in a state where communication is not possible. Virtual soldering is an important reason for the high early repair rate of PCBA, therefore, detection equipment must be used to promptly identify the PCBA board with virtual soldering.

PCBA virtual welding can be divided into two situations. The first one is an unstable state caused by improper production processes, which is constantly on and off; The second type is caused by long-term use of electrical appliances, and some parts with severe heat generation are prone to aging and peeling of the solder joints at their solder joints.

Detecting virtual soldering requires the use of specialized PCBA virtual soldering detection machines, such as ICT, aging testing racks, and X-rays. The most accurate way to detect virtual soldering is through X-ray equipment, but this equipment is too expensive for most small and medium-sized enterprises to afford. However, ICT and aging testing racks can be used instead.

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