Frequently Asked Questions

Organize common question answers to answer your questions and clarify your doubts

1. What does PCB embedded component design mean?

What does PCB embedded component design mean?

PCB buried component design refers to a circuit board design technique where electronic components are embedded into the internal layers of the circuit board, rather than being placed traditionally on the top or bottom surfaces. This design approach is primarily aimed at meeting the demand for smaller and more integrated electronic products, as well as improving circuit signal frequency and performance.

Specifically, PCB buried component design has the following key points:

  1. Increased integration: By embedding components into the internal layers of the circuit board, it significantly enhances the integration level, reduces the circuit board size, and thus meets the miniaturization requirements of modern electronic products.

  2. Improved signal performance: As the components are embedded inside the circuit board, it shortens the signal length, reduces resistance and parasitic inductance, thereby lowering noise and EMI (electromagnetic interference), and improving circuit signal integrity.

  3. Enhanced reliability: Since the components are embedded inside the circuit board, they are protected from external environments such as dust and humidity, improving the reliability of the circuit.

  4. Design flexibility: In PCB design tools, components can be placed on any signal layer, not just the traditional top or bottom surface signal layers, providing greater flexibility for designers.

PCB buried component design primarily includes two types of embedded components:

  • Embedded discrete components: Such as surface mount resistors and capacitors, which are placed on the inner layers of the circuit board during manufacturing/assembly.

  • Embedded integrated components: These components are formed directly on the inner layers during the manufacturing process of the circuit board, such as 3M-CPly.

PCB buried component design is an advanced circuit board design technique that provides strong support for the development of modern electronic products by increasing integration, improving signal performance, enhancing reliability, and providing design flexibility.

2. What does EMS mean in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing?

What does EMS mean in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing?

In the field of electronics manufacturing, EMS stands for Electronic Manufacturing Services. Specifically, an EMS is a manufacturer that provides a range of services to brand owners of electronic products, including manufacturing, sourcing, part design, and logistics, etc. EMS is an emerging industry that is also known as Specialized Electronic Foundry Services or ECM (Electronic Contract Manufacturing).

EMS services related to Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing (PCB Manufacturing) may involve the manufacturing, assembly, and testing of printed circuit boards, etc. EMS offers a broader concept that covers the entire process from board design to final product delivery. The printed circuit board (PCB), as a support for electronic components and a provider of electrical connections, is an important part of EMS services.

To summarize, EMS in Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing refers to the full-service electronic manufacturing services for printed circuit board manufacturing.

3. What factors do I need to take into account when designing the size and shape of an LED printed circuit board?

What factors do I need to take into account when designing the size and shape of an LED printed circuit board?

When designing the size and shape of an LED printed circuit board (PCB), you need to take into account the following key factors:

Component Density and Layout: Consider the number, size, and type of LED components you need to place on the PCB. Arrange them in a way that optimizes the board area while ensuring proper spacing and heat dissipation.

Signal Integrity: LED PCBs often require precise signal transmission. The size and shape should facilitate efficient signal routing with minimal interference and noise.

Power Distribution: LEDs consume power, so the PCB design should consider power distribution requirements. This includes the placement of power supply components and the routing of power lines.

Heat Dissipation: LEDs can generate heat, especially when operating at high brightness. The PCB size and shape should allow for effective heat dissipation through appropriate material choice, thermal vias, and component spacing.

Manufacturing Constraints: Consider the manufacturing capabilities and limitations. For example, certain PCB sizes and shapes may be more cost-effective or feasible for mass production.

Industry Standards and Customer Requirements: Adhere to any relevant industry standards or customer-specific requirements regarding PCB size, shape, and mounting provisions.

Future Expansion and Modularity: If there is a need for future expansion or modular design, the PCB size and shape should allow for easy integration of additional components or modules.

The size and shape of an LED PCB should be designed with a balance between component density, signal integrity, power distribution, heat dissipation, manufacturing constraints, industry standards, and future expansion considerations.

4. What are the design rules for 12-layer printed circuit boards?

What are the design rules for 12-layer printed circuit boards?

The design rules for 12-layer printed circuit boards (PCBs) generally encompass a comprehensive set of considerations to ensure the performance, reliability, and manufacturability of the boards. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Size and Layer Rules: Define the dimensions (length, width, thickness) of the PCB and determine the number of layers, including internal layers, ground layers, and power layers. These are typically determined by the target application and manufacturing capabilities.

  2. Line Width and Spacing Rules: Select appropriate line widths and spacings for conductors, gaps, and pads, considering factors like signal integrity, electrical reliability, and manufacturing constraints.

  3. Pad and Silkscreen Rules: Define pad dimensions, positions, and shapes for component placement and soldering. Specify silkscreen placement, size, and style for component identification and testing points.

  4. Clearance and Aperture Rules: Set clearance rules to ensure adequate spacing between conductive and non-conductive layers for insulation and voltage breakdown prevention. Define aperture sizes for drilling and mounting holes.

  5. Lead and Pin Rules: Determine lead lengths, angles, and positions for component installation and soldering. Specify pin dimensions and layouts for plug-in components to ensure reliable connections and interchangeability.

  6. Component Placement Rules: Optimize component placement, orientation, and spacing to minimize signal interference, cross-talk, and heat issues. Consider factors like signal transmission, heat dissipation, and manufacturing ease.

  7. Current and Power Rules: Determine the current-carrying capacity of conductors and pads, as well as the power consumption and heat dissipation requirements of components, to prevent overheating and failures.

  8. Signal Integrity and Impedance Rules: Ensure signal integrity by considering factors like interference, noise, and distortion. Specify impedance values for conductors and signal layers to match components and transmission lines.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and specific design rules may vary depending on the application, manufacturing process, and industry standards.

5. How to ensure the quality of PCBA processing after sale?

How to ensure the quality of PCBA processing after sale?

Many customers are more concerned about the after-sales of PCBA processing, how to ensure that the PCBA board received to meet the quality requirements? First of all, customers will cooperate with the PCBA factory to design the test program to ensure that 100% of the PCBA boards are tested before delivery; secondly, customers also need to spot-check the boards one by one after receiving them according to the acceptance details in the industry standard IPC-A-610E, in order to meet the acceptance standard. As for the warranty period, the quality and craftsmanship of many PCBA boards are very mature, and there is no problem with the warranty period of 1-3 years under normal use conditions. For very few PCBA boards that need to be used in harsh environments, the service life may be different.

In order to ensure that after-sales issues, customers and PCBA factory can sign a quality assurance agreement between the two sides can make the specific details have a clearer definition, to avoid unnecessary disputes. In addition, the fundamental core of eliminating after-sales worries is to find a very professional PCBA electronic manufacturing service provider, because a higher level of craftsmanship process can ensure the stability of PCBA boards, thus increasing the service life. More valuable is that a professional electronics manufacturer can help can enhance the production of DFM manufacturability, optimize the design of the PCB board, and gradually reduce costs.

6. PCBA rapid prototyping charges are how to calculate?

PCBA rapid prototyping charges are how to calculate?

PCBA fast proofing charges are also a formula, you can be based on this formula to understand the PCBA fast proofing of a standard charge.

The formula is: (A + B + C + D + E + F) * G * H + J + K = PCBA fast proofing price.

Where: A = PCB cost, B = material costs, C = processing costs, D = three-proof paint costs, E = test costs, F = packaging logistics, G = the number of goods sampling, H = a reasonable profit, J = PCB engineering fees, SMT = engineering fees.

The above formula is a reference, according to the actual needs of the product to adjust the charges, such as some products do not need to spray three-proof paint, then we can not count the cost of three-proof paint spraying, there are more sampling quantities or more chatting with the customer, then we can properly reduce the engineering fee.

7. What production materials are needed for PCBA processing?

What production materials are needed for PCBA processing?

When customers provide production materials to PCBA processing manufacturers, they generally need to prepare the following production materials list:

PCB Gerber file (a layered file that defines each layer of circuits, pads, silk screens and other information, used to manufacture PCB bare boards)

BOM list (Bill of Material, a list of electronic components, including the model, brand, description, position number and usage information of components)

MCU program (generally refers to the chip program burned into the MCU, an encrypted file in hex or bin format, used to drive the entire PCBA logical operation and bypass control)

Test file (defines the test point distribution, test steps and common fault diagnosis methods for functional testing)

Upper computer software (generally refers to software installed on the computer to start the detection of PCBA function items)

Patch coordinate file (exported from PCB design software, defines the coordinate position of each component on the PCB board, which is convenient for SMT placement machines to read and execute)

Other design documents (such as CAD drawings that define the effect diagram after welding, PCB schematics, special requirements for engineering processes, etc.)

8. Answers to questions regarding NEWEI PCBA sampling, confidentiality, transportation, pricing, etc

Answers to questions regarding NEWEI PCBA sampling, confidentiality, transportation, pricing, etc

Q: What is needed for PCB/PCBA quotation?

A: For Bare PCB project, please provide Quantity, Gerber file and specification like material, surface finish treatment, copper thickness, board thickness, soldermask color and silkscreen color and other special 

Q: Are my files safe? 

A: Your files are held in complete safety and security. We protect the intellectual property for our customers in the whole process.. All documents from customers are never shared with any third parties. We are willing to sign NDA effect by customer side local law and promising to keep customers data in high confidential level. 

Q: What is your minimum order quantity (MOQ)? 

A:Our MOQ is 1 PCS, sample and mass production all can support. 

Q: How to calculate the shipping cost? 

A:The shipping cost is determined by the destination, weight, packing size of the goods. Please let us know if you need us to quote you the shipping cost. 

Q: What is your testing policy and how you control the quality? 

A:Regarding to PCB samples, usually tested by flying probe; for PCB Volume over 3 square meters, usually tested by Electrical fixture which is faster. As to PCBA production, there are automated optical inspection (AOI) for each batch, X-ray inspection for BGA parts, first article inspection(FAI) before mass production.

9. What is the difference between ICT and FCT in PCBA testing?

What is the difference between ICT and FCT in PCBA testing?

PCBA testing is a crucial step in ensuring the quality of shipments. Generally, customers need to provide a testing plan, including testing points, procedures, testing steps, etc. PCBA electronic manufacturers perform corresponding ICT and FCT tests based on design documents. ICT (In circuit test) is mainly aimed at the component level. By contacting the pins of each component on the PCBA board, it measures whether their values match the nominal values. It is a very important means to detect the values and polarity of components such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance.

However, with the rapid development of process capability in the electronics industry, ICT testing has become increasingly scarce, as many components can achieve quality below 50PPM, fully meeting the process yield of electronic products. At this point, FCT (Function Test) becomes particularly important. The PCBA manufacturer will issue an FCT test stand based on the design documents, place the PCBA board on the test stand, capture the test points on the PCBA board, write programs through a burner, and then simulate the input and output actions of the product to achieve the testing purpose. In some cases, upper computer software is also needed for coordination. FCT testing is a functional testing approach close to the product level, which can effectively cover the performance range of the product and is a very effective means.

10. What is the testing principle of PCBA?

What is the testing principle of PCBA?

PCBA testing is a crucial step in ensuring the quality of production and delivery. It refers to the production of FCT testing fixtures based on customer designed testing points, procedures, and steps, and then placing the PCBA board on the FCT testing rack to complete the testing process. The testing principle of PCBA is to connect the test points on the PCBA board through the FCT test stand, forming a complete path, connecting the computer and the burner, and uploading the MCU program. The MCU program will capture the user's input actions (such as long pressing the switch for 3 seconds), and through calculation, control the on/off of the adjacent circuit (such as flashing LED) or drive the motor to rotate. By observing the voltage and current values between test points on the FCT test stand, and verifying whether these input and output actions match the design, the entire PCBA board can be tested.